There is growing concern about the amount of potential EMF radiation that may be in the home, affecting loved ones. Though there are natural occurrences of EMF from the sun and earth, the ever-increasing amount of handheld and personal electronic devices and appliances has induced an EMF-rich world.
As such, protecting yourselves and your loved ones is an imperative action. There are a few material options to choose from when deciding how to best shield from EMFs, typically, Mylar, copper, and aluminum.
The effectiveness of each varies and is highly dependent on your specific situation and needs.
The Copper Advantage:
Copper is an incredible metal. It has been used for centuries in all sorts of ways, including the creation of the Statue of Liberty, which contains 179,000 pounds of the substance. With a growing understanding of EMFs and how we’re affected by them, copper has been used, usually as a mesh, to shield the onslaught of EMF radiation. In fact, it is one of the most effective metals used in this area.
Copper has the ability to attenuate electrical and magnetic waves. With an amplitude of common applications such as with hospital MRI machines, copper gives an undeniable advantage over other comparable metals.
When used as a wire mesh to deflect EMF radiation, the thickness of the copper matters less than the size of the holes in the mesh, itself. The holes cannot be any larger than the shortest micro or radio wavelengths attempting to pass through.
These are referred to as Faraday cages and are typically made out of aluminum and sometimes copper.
Why EMF Protection is Important:
The possible side effects of EMF radiation exposure are still being discovered and investigated, though many people have already presented with issues related to EMF sensitivity. Those who suffer from hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields have found themselves experiencing symptoms such as tingling, redness, burning sensations, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, digestive problems, and even heart palpitations.
These symptoms, especially when experienced on a constant, daily basis, can have a drastic effect on ones’ quality of life. Some who are considered to be suffering from EHS have even made dramatic lifestyles changes to avoid further exposure to EMFs. Children and babies still in the womb are even more vulnerable to the effects of EMF radiation.
Fighting an Invisible Foe…
Though it may seem a daunting thought to be surrounded by a constant barrage of electromagnetic waves, there are steps one can take to ensure a safer home environment on top of utilizing any copper mesh solutions.
- Get rid of Wi-Fi. Using cords is a sure-fire way to drastically and immediately lower the amount of EMFs in your home.
- Use headphones or speakerphone whenever possible.
- Keep your landline for home use and cellphone for mobile use only.
- Text instead of calling. The proximity of the phone to your head matters when it comes to EMF exposure.
- Purge electronics from the room. Gather all unused electronics (and turn them off, or unplug when not in use) and remove them to s separate room.
- Buy a new TV! That’s right. It’s time to upgrade. If you’re still using an old box-set television, you’ll want to seriously consider grabbing an LED screen instead as they produce a significantly smaller amount of EMFs.
Copper Creations
There are a surprising amount of copper products on the market specifically designed to fight against EMFs. From thin, lightweight fabrics created with silver-lined copper wires, to the mesh mentioned before, the options to protect your family are growing every day.
With the durability and versatility of many copper meshes and wire-lined blanket products, one can create a protective layer for many areas of their life. The flexibility of the wire-lined blankets affords the ability to make a canopy for the bed, window curtains, camping tent, and even wall shields.
These are a great alternative to other options, such as Mylar, if you’re not wanting to paint your walls. It is also a safer choice, as Mylar EMF protection paints can cause the EMF waves to bounce around which will actually exacerbate the issue, rather than helping to diffuse it.
Most homes are already equipped with copper-lined wiring- up to around 400 pounds of the substance! Still, it’s not nearly enough to combat the growing potential of the risk of EMF radiation issues.
For true peace of mind, the conscientious individual will thoroughly explore all the available options in regards to EMF protection.
EMF Congestion
A hundred years ago, our average EMF exposure was limited to that which was received from the sun, earth, and the minimal amount of electricity produced by the world at large.
Fast forward to today’s modern technological era, and the difference is astounding. We’ve seen the industrial age bring to light the issues which go along with chemical producing factories.
Today, we recognize the health hazards of these pollutants and have taken steps to reduce the harmful effects.
This is quickly becoming the case with EMF protection. Now widely recognized as a legitimate health concern, those who suffer or will suffer from EMF radiation issues will soon find relief.
Science is still advancing in the fields of EMF radiation studies and potential remedies. Once we know more about the harmful nature of our ever-expanding EMF-rich world, we can move forward in creating safer environments for ourselves and even our communities at large.
Going ‘off the grid’ is one way some suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity has found relief.
Though it’s not inherently necessary to go completely off the grid, many will find they will have a better quality of life when they reduce their general, day-to-day exposure to EMFs.
Utilizing copper meshes and other copper products will be immensely beneficial in lowering the EMFs in your home.
Testing Your EMF Exposure
One of the biggest culprits of EMF emissions is cell phone towers. Understanding how close or far you live from one (or more) of these towers can give you a better idea of how strong the effect of its EMFs will be to those in your home.
Check with your local county to find out where the cell phone towers are located in your immediate vicinity.
There are also EMF detectors available for purchase online. Make sure you’re buying from a well-known retailer and do your research before making any purchase online.
You can use this device to check for hot spots in your home. The home’s power box, large appliances, and rooms where technology seems to congregate (such as an office) will have the highest readings.
If you detect a high EMF reading with your device, there are options available to you to combat their effect. Whether going with A Mylar, aluminum, or copper-based solution, the effectiveness of each will always have variables and still depend on how much base EMFs are being produced by the appliances and devices in your home.
Copper is, by far, the most efficient and effective metal for meshes and is highly durable, reliable and versatile. The many ways one can incorporate copper EMF protections into their home make this option one of the most popular and well-known ways to combat potential issues.
A revered and renowned substance for centuries, copper has been a staple in our world across various industries and avenues and still, to this day, we are still finding more uses for it.
As it is widely available and has many common, and uncommon, applications copper may very well be the best resort to shielding from EMFs. Copper has been so useful to man, in fact, it has even earned the nickname ‘man’s eternal metal’.
According to today’s standards, the average person will use up to or possibly even more than 1500 pounds of copper in their lifetime.
It’s no wonder, once you begin to dive into the rich history and various uses of and for copper, that is is a highly efficient material and one of the first considered when scientists began developing products to protect against EMF radiation issues.
Now that the problem has been more widely recognized, more copper-based products will inevitably be introduced into the public market. Hopefully, many of these will be created to combat the torrential and continuous onslaught of electromagnetic fields, thereby drastically reducing the potential suffering and ramifications of over-exposure.
You don’t have to be a recluse or an expert in EMFs to live a healthier, less EMF-dependant lifestyle. Simply educating yourself on the issue and the different options available to you to protect yourself and your family can at least have an effect on settling your peace of mind.
Taking action by incorporating copper meshes and/or other copper options, however, will have an immediate effect on your homes’ environment.
So, unplug and get grounded. Turn off your devices and keep them away from your physical body when not in use. Find another way to communicate other than holding a cellphone to your ear and keep your eyes open for further scientific studies and advancements in this field.
What about a copper infused mattress or copper infused mattress cover? Would they just reflect the wifi coming down on the person right back up into them or would it offer any sort of protection? Perhaps, if they were on an upper level and the wifi were coming from beneath? Anyway, need to know ASAP as I’m buying one for my daughter’s dorm room soon. Appreciate any advice. Thanks.
I actually have the same question as Anne. I would love to know if there is any information on this!