Humans have benefited from technical advancements over decades, yet every rose has its thorn in the meantime. Almost 59.5 percent of the world’s population uses the internet and the use is increasing every year [1]. Also from this fact, it means more than this ratio are under the effects of health risks due to gadgets.
The impact of the electromagnetic field (EMF) is also categorized as harmful to human health which needs awareness in our societies as the usage is increasing. We need to be aware of the sources of EMF and the impact it is making in our daily life. But first, how can we identify & measure the EMF?
EMF is almost everywhere and is invisible. You cannot touch, hear, smell or taste it. But still, we need to know how much we are exposed to the EMF. For that let’s have a detailed discussion on detecting and measuring!
How to measure EMF Sources?
EMF is measured by its strength and frequency. Before starting to understand the measuring process, broadly speaking at first place this field is classified into three categories:
- Electric Field
- Magnetic Field
- Radio Frequency
Measuring the radio-frequency radiation of EMF is done in Hertz (Hz). So if we talk about the radio frequency radiation of cordless phones, it is between 800-900 MHz
Similarly, the electric portion is measured in the form of Volts per meter (V/m) & the Magnetic portion is in the form of amperes per meter (A/m). We will generally stick to volts per meter (V/m) & hertz (Hz).
Numerous EMF meters in the market can help us test their presence. Cheap EMF meters are nearly useless and scams but good meters can let you measure all ranges of EMFs whether of low, medium, or high frequency.
Most firms manufacture battery-powered handheld electromagnetic field meters or detectors with a sensor attached to measure electromagnetic fields as well as radio frequencies. The frequency measuring range varies depending on the source, such as Wi-Fi, GPS, and house power connections, but it is between 100KHz and 50MHz. EMF meters can also be used to determine the amount of radiation released by computer screens, televisions, microwaves, and other electronic devices.
Source: PCE instruments
Let us start with the surveying!
After getting the good meter now we need to
- Turn on the meter, open field marked as ‘magnetic field’.
- The meter must have multiple settings, turn it to the desired settings.
- Slowly walk around the places and devices you have in your house or office places.
- The meters beep faster when they get near some fields. So keep an eye on the spike in the readings the meter shows.
- Hold it still near to the place for a few seconds & you will see the readings.
The usual notation of the EMF meters are in KiloHertz (kHz), Gigahertz (GHz), Megahertz (MHz) for frequency of the radiation, and the strength of the electric field is measured in (V/m).
Top 10 Sources of EMF
Here we list the top 10 sources that emit EMF
1. X-rays
This type of ionizing radiation emits a large & very dangerous amount of electromagnetic radiation. They can cause DNA and cell damage after a period of exposure. In medical sciences, their penetrating character gives them an advantage over diagnostic use.
How much EMF?
The frequency of X-rays is 1-100 THz (Tera-Hertz) and the amount of the electric field is roughly 26 MV/m.
How to reduce?
- Limit the exposure to X-rays, only take when prescribed.
- Avoid the sun during peak hours. Limit the time of sun exposure.
- If you get tan quickly, avoid sunbathing.
High-Risk Level
Because of their tiny wavelength and ability to penetrate practically everything, X-rays pose a high danger of health problems. This is why they are utilized in diagnostics because prolonged exposure can cause DNA and cell damage. It may also increase the risk of breast cancer in females.
2. Cellular Towers
Cellular towers, also known as base stations, produce waves that go towards the horizon and downward direction as well. The height of the tower, which is fitted with antennae and placed in our towns and cities, ranges from nearly 50 to 200 feet. The electromagnetic waves released by them can heat our body tissues after continuous exposure, however, there is no proof of health hazards caused by cell phone tower radiations, thanks to our scientists and engineers who have worked carefully on it.
The cell phone tower generates a quite large amount of radiation at the top but due to `height the exposure gets lesser thousands of times when it reaches the ground and it is considered safe by the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC) [5]
How much EMF?
The old network generation towers used the wavelength of 6 GHz and the modern 5G network tower will use the spectrum of 30-300 GHz which is still in the safe zone.
How to reduce?
There is no need to worry about the radiation from the cell phone towers except that its exposure is high near the antennas. Else what it’s considered safe according to the authorities.
Low-Risk Level
The risk level of exposure from the cellphone towers is low & the new technology of 5G is still under study.
3. Microwave Ovens
Almost every home nowadays has a microwave oven, which is utilized for cooking and heating food due to its convenience. Microwave ovens emit the same EMF fields as cell phones, routers, laptop computers, and television screens. However, the radiation emitted by ovens is even more intense than the ones indicated above.
You must not ignore that its power and heat are enough to cook food in a very short time, the cage and the door reduce the field leakage to outside to almost nothing. There is also a radiation leakage in microwave ovens that is barely detectable. And by the time it increases.
How much EMF?
In the working frequency of 915-5.8 MHz, the oven generates about 55.2 V/m of an electric field.
How to reduce?
- Using the conventional stove should be preferred.
- Stay far away from the microwave oven while it’s operating, especially eyes.
- Properly test your microwave for leakage of radiation – you can test it by checking with the EMF meter.
Medium Risk Level
The value of radiation is strong in microwave ovens as the purpose of it is heating the food. It is always recommended not to stay your head away from the door of the oven as it is harmful and can affect your eyes.
4. Mobile Phones
We all have a relationship with our smartphones in some way but mobile phones and related gadgets are nowadays the biggest sources of EMF radiation. They emit considerably low levels of radiation but the problem is that nearly every one of us carries a mobile phone in our pockets or near to our bodies for quite a long time.
From elders to kids we carry and stay close to mobile phones for almost the entire day and some of us also put them close to us when sleeping. Cell phones can be a cause of potential health problems because they emit certain harmful radiations and we keep them most of the time near to our heads.
How much EMF?
Cell phones are low-power devices and they emit radiation of about 1.9-2.2 GHz of frequencies according to the Cancer Institute of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [2].
How to reduce?
- Avoid sleeping near your phone.
- Consider putting your phone in your bags instead of pockets as it is way too near to your body
- Use hands-free compatible cell phones and attend calls placing phones 1 or 2 feet far [3].
- Spend more time with your significant ones and your children at home and limit the use of cell phones.
Low-Risk Level
Cellphones are low-powered devices and emit a very low level of radiation when used. There is no reported cancer risk in humans but the only effect of radiation due to mobile phones is tissue heating [4].
5. Television & Computer Screen
Old Computer and television screens work in the same way and they produce a lot of electric and magnetic fields. Newer LEDs & LCDs emit a very small amount of radiation but still for children getting too close is harmful. Watching from a few feet away is safe.
Also, the TVs with Wi-Fi functionality emit more radiation as the Wi-Fi adapter also emits a significant amount of EMF.
How much EMF?
They emit an electric field of about 60 V/m in a frequency of 50-60 Hz (Non-Tube Screen) and 50 Hz-15.625 kHz (Tubes Screen).
How to reduce?
- Avoid watching TV from too close a distance.
- Educate children to watch TV from a distance as children’s brains absorb more radiation due to smaller size.
Low-Risk Level
Low-level radiation & low doses over prolonged time are not even identified as harmful by scientists but still, advice is to be at safe levels.
6. Wi-Fi Routers/Devices
Wi-Fi is making our world easier by sending data via EMF radiation. Although the energy is quite low and does not cause a significant health issue, prolonged and near exposure can make changes that cannot be observed spontaneously.
How much EMF?
Wi-Fi works under the range of 2.4-2.5GHz & and some Wi-Fi works between 5-5.8 GHz. This is the frequency in which it works and transmits data. The electric field strength is 0.02 V/m in 2.4 GHz devices and 0.1 V/m in 5.2 GHz devices.
How to reduce?
- Place the Wi-Fi router and devices away from the rooms.
- Avoid keeping Wi-Fi Devices in your bedrooms.
- EMF anti-radiation guard neutralizer is available in the market which acts as a cover on the devices and gives you protection from the radiation.
Low-Risk Level
Low-level radiation generally does not cause any harmful effects on the body. Similarly, the energy from Wi-Fi has not reported any major health issues. In 2017 research reported that EMFs (from wireless devices) cause a risk of glioma, which is a type of brain tumor.
7. Power Lines
The radiation is highest where the number of electrons and volts are highest; similarly, as we go away from that point, the radiation exposure decreases until it reaches a position where it is negligible. High voltage Power lines generate large electric fields, but the transformer significantly reduces them. Furthermore, the walls of your home reduce the intensity of radiation. If you live near power lines, you are exposed to dangerous radiations that can lead to pediatric leukemia.
How much EMF?
The radiation amount is about 50-60 Hz in frequency & the electric field is 0.5 kV/m (maximum).
How to reduce?
- Place the Wi-Fi router and devices away from the rooms.
- Avoid keeping Wi-Fi Devices in your bedrooms.
Medium-Risk Level
There is no scientific evidence that exposure to radiation from power lines causes harm, although it is widely assumed that homes near high voltage power lines are exposed to the radiation. Homes that are more than 50 meters away are considered safe.
8. Energy Saving & Smart Bulbs
There are numerous varieties of light bulbs available on the market. We used to have incandescent lights in our houses, but now there are smart bulbs with a small chip attached that allows you to control the light from your phone over the internet. You may have also seen Amazon ALEXA devices regulating lighting; these Wi-Fi convenient devices have enhanced EMF radiation emissions.
How much EMF?
Usually, Under the frequency range of 50-60KHz, the typical LED bulb emits electric field radiation of about 258 V/m & this is the value of direct contact. If we place it almost 1 foot away then the exposure remains at about 33 V/m and after 2 feet it reduces up to 15 V/m. So technically speaking it does emit some radiation but the levels decrease as we increase the distance.
How to reduce?
- Limit the use of smart light bulbs because they create more radiations
- The use of incandescent bulbs should be encouraged.
Low-Risk Level
LED bulbs produce quite an amount of radiation but due to distance their effect reduces so logically speaking its adverse effect is quite minimized.
9. Smart Meters
Smart Meters create ease for our home power management and they communicate with smart devices using radio frequency signals that emit non-ionizing radiation. The companies build their smart meter according to the set standards of radio communication devices.
How much EMF?
Although you are exposed to the smart meter’s radiation nearby it, there is no such health risk or danger from the exposure. The number of health hazards can only be when you are near the device for a very long time. For smart meters, the amount of frequency is in the range between 0.9-2.45 GHz.
How to reduce?
- Anti EMF radiation guard is available for smart meters as well. They can give enough protection.
- The radiation drops the level after a distance so fitting the smart meter far from the rooms is a good option
Low-Risk Level
Smart meters emit a very low and for a very short duration, there is no such scientific established evidence that it can cause serious issues in health.
10. Hair Dryer
We all love our hair, we style them every day with our hair dryers but everything comes with a price. Hairdryers also emit a significant amount of EMF. This gadget dries our hair by blowing air from a fan, which absorbs heat from the current-carrying wires.
How much EMF?
The amount of EMF (within the vicinity of the device) it emits is 40 V/m in the form of electric field strength, 0.6-4 A/m in the form of magnetic field strength. And the frequency range at which it works is between 50 to 60 Hz.
How to reduce?
- Consider buying the low EMF Hair Dryers available in the market
- Towel dry your hair instead of using the hairdryer
Low-Risk Level
It has a low risk as the amount of EMF it generates fades within itself and doesn’t cause much harm.
[1] Joseph Johnson, September 10, 2021,
[2] National Cancer Institute, January 3, 2019,
[3] U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2009,
[4] U.S. Food & Drug Administration, October 02, 2020
[5] American Cancer Society, June 1, 2020