What is an Abalone Shell?
Abalone Shells are the symbol of strength, beauty, resilience, and independence. They are sea snail shells that are famous for their exterior surface. The shell is made through small holes which get filled above the animal’s skin during its growth.
The shell is mostly calcium carbonate and it’s so strong that it is three thousand times anti-fracture proof than any pure crystal. The outside of the shell appears to be incredibly tough, but when you open it, the inside is so gorgeous that nothing else in the world is like it. Their shiny beauty is employed in the manufacturing of various Jewellery, and the enormous muscular foot inside the shell is eaten as a delicacy in some countries such as China, Greece, and Italy.
(Picture Source: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/04/ea/8c/04ea8caf509a9aa614a347c0b73749f0.jpg)
Abalone has been consumed as an appetite by humans for quite a long time and their pearl-bearing shells have not only been used in ornament manufacturing but also carry energy for healing, protection, and emotional strength. Today these shells are still sought in abundance in South Africa. Also, five major sources of abalone are North America, the West Coast and South of Africa, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.
Uses of Abalone Shell
Abalone carries so many metaphysical, spiritual & healing benefits that come from the ocean, and are going to talk about it in this
Smudging is an ancient method of purifying and detoxifying the soul of those who are plagued by negative ideas & thoughts It’s also utilized to cleanse harmful energies from areas like a new or old home, offices, or a spiritually depressed mood. It is a spiritual custom that has been practiced for ages and has been incorporated into various cultures.
Abalone shells are utilized not only as a bowl, but also because they are a product of nature, and they offer the impression of being connected to the ocean. The link with the four basic elements of the earth is depicted when the ceremony is performed. The shell represents Water, the smoke represents Air, the sticks & herbs represent the Earth’s Soil, and the flame depicts Fire with one they are lighted. By doing so, you’re inviting Mother Earth to participate in your ceremony.
Want to know how to perform the ritual? Head to this link to get all the information about it [3].
Emotional Healing
The Abalone shell is an ideal gift for those who have been through a traumatic experience and have survived it. Abalone shell represents those people and helps them understand that they, too, are strong and sturdy, having endured great difficulties & burdens (like a burden of the ocean) in life to become a valuable entity. Similarly, it also helps in enhancing the ability of inspiration and creativity, so it can help when you are trying to focus on something or studying. Keep it to yourself!
This shell is believed to enhance the sense of peace & love, as well as warm and soft sensations. It is a wonderful feeling that calms the nerves and is a wonderful element to improve and support dialogue, cooperation, and compromise, all of which lead to a balanced life and guidance in a relationship.
Health Benefits
This beautiful creation is a great source of Vitamin E, Vitamin B12, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus. That means it can help people who have vision problems, nerves & muscle damage, weakness & tiredness, stiff joints, pale skin issues, deficiency of red blood cells.
The presence of iron controls thyroid function and strengthens the immune system. The vitamins contained within aid in the prevention of cancer and the reduction of heart disease. Although it is no secret that this type of seafood is one of the most expensive.
How do we eat?
When we first open them up, we can see a fluid-like substance inside. Like a clam, it can be eaten raw or cooked, but it is always preferred to cook or grill it. Place the shell side of the shell on the grill or stone. It has a buttery flavor and is a touch chewy.
Fishing abalone has been fully forbidden worldwide due to its recent popularity and near-extinction threat. Then people began producing abalone to save it from extinction and profit from it. Farming abalone, on the other hand, did not result in the natural beauty of the abalone but helped people get advantages.
Picture Source: https://cdn.scsglobalservices.com/files/images/moana_img2.jpg
Does Abalone Shell Protect from EMF
Electromagnetic fields (EMF), Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), and Microwave Radiation (MR) have negative consequences on our health. They are the leading cause of illness in our society, including oxidative stress, digestive issues, eye problems, and premature aging. Science has broadened our horizons and allowed us to investigate some of the metaphysical and non-physical influences of natural components in our world. We experience stress as a result of the radiation.
Experts have found healing properties in quartz, crystals as well as seashells. They are considered neutralizers and they tend to absorb greater frequencies into lesser frequencies. Sea Shells & Abalone shells may also be able to decrease the effect of EMF although there is still much more to be known about EMF. One metaphysical ability of Abalone shells is they can heal people with oxidative stress and it gives a peaceful effect. Abalone shell, orgonite, copper (both good EMF protectors) are used and made into a pyramid with epoxy resin as a decoration, and pendants are sold online. Although Sea Shells alone do not show any notable reduction.
4 Ways to use Abalone Shell
Abalone can be used in numerous ways. Following are a few:-
Not only does the abalone shell have spiritual powers but it also has its importance in making stunning Jewelry.
Picture Source https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1749/7309/files/1800x768_Unique_History_of_Abalone_2048x2048.jpg?v=1594334692
Abalone shells due to their presence in distinct cultures and places around the world have different names. Haliotis Iris, Pava Shells, Nacre, Mother of Pearl, Aulon, and Sea ear are popular and widely used names coming from several languages. Whatever we call them, it is not going to change their beauty as they are organic gemstones just like quartz and tourmalines. So, if anyone wants to use their beauty power, spiritual power, or EMF protection. You can use it in this way & no one can stop you!
Meditation & Therapy
The natural abalone shells are unique and beautiful; the inner sideline has iridescent marks with beautiful pastel rainbow colors that enhance the feeling of peace, love, and compassion. The shell is used in many cultures as a traditional ritual called smudging.
Home & Office Decoration
Want a good calming space? No problem! Place your favorite shell at your work desk or home in the TV lounge, bedrooms to give you a soothing effect whenever you pass by it or a good comforting sleep.
Abalone shell decreases oxidative stress, which is primarily generated by EMF-producing devices in your vicinity. As a result, it is always preferable to use such an organic element near your televisions, computer tables, or to combine them with particular art to increase the beauty as well as the protection.
Combining with Crystals
You may recall learning about the protective nature of tourmalines against Electromagnetic Field radiations in one of my previous posts, and you will learn about the abalone shell in this article. However, how about combining both the organic stone and the shell to enhance both the beauty and the protection from EMF radiations?
(Picture Source: https://st4.depositphotos.com/11508700/41933/i/600/depositphotos_419335758-stock-photo-top-view-image-rose-quartz.jpg)
This concept can be applied to jewelry, home décor items such as hanging artworks, night lights, wind chimes, and much more!
Disadvantages of Abalone Shell
Abalone shells have very few drawbacks. Although it is a neutral element, pregnant women and persons allergic to marine fish and seashells should avoid it, and abalone shell overdose can cause major health problems. Aside from that, the price is high when compared to other sea species.
Alternatives of Abalone Shell
The alternative of Abalone are as follows:-
Natural Kabibbie Shell
This is a pendant with an orgone ionic coating that is designed to produce orgone effects. This is just an energy item that creates charges around the body, regulating the magnetic field/aura. It is meant to provide EMF protection.
This orgone product blocks EMF from WiFi, smart meters, 5G, and cellphones, causing adverse effects from electromagnetic radiation and earth radiation. This is somehow better than an abalone shell because there is no authentic dialogue about its effectiveness.
(Picture Source: https://www.emfhomeharmony.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/kabishell.png)
Shell Shield
An artificial gadget looking like a real seashell is specifically created to provide protection against EMF and improve sleep patterns because radiation affects sleep.
In terms of protection range, the shell shield comes in three sizes: small, medium, and big. The range of safeguards includes 14 meters, 20 meters, and 28 meters, from small to large. The shell is lightweight and can be stuffed into your children’s bags, pockets, and backpacks, as well as bedside tables and business desks.
Picture Source: https://lifeenergysolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Shell-Shield-light-orange.jpg
[1] Adam Augustyn, Britanica https://www.britannica.com/animal/abalone
[2] Energymuse https://www.energymuse.com/abalone-meaning#introduction
[3] Astral Collective https://astralcollective.com/blogs/news/everything-you-need-to-know-about-abalone-shells-and-smudging
[4] Ocean Grown Abalone https://www.oceangrownabalone.com.sg/health-benefits/
[5] EMF Home Harmony https://www.emfhomeharmony.co.uk/kabbibie-shell/
[6] Life Energy Solutions https://lifeenergysolutions.com/product/shell-shield/