When I started to look at all the ways EMF can affect you, I wanted to see what could block the radiation and began researching different materials. I want to share what I found, but the short answer to the question: does wood block EMF is NO. No, it doesn’t block radiation. Interestingly, wetter wood does a better job at blocking it than dry.
EMF Radiation is Everywhere
EMF radiation is everywhere. If you have an electronic gadget in your pocket or at home, there is a great chance you are exposed to this radiation. The mobile phone you commonly use every single moment is the most evident culprit for EMF radiation, but there are also very constant devices and technologies around you that emits this radiation. Electromagnetic field radiation also comes from appliances like:
Microwave oven;
Television sets; and
Wood and its Properties
From the beginning of human evolution, wood has found its place in development. It has been the most trusted and readily-available material for anything.
Given that it was the most sustainable material back then, many turned to wood as the main component of whatever needs to be built. The material has been used not only in utensils and in building houses, it has also found its way to be used in cars, furniture, and storage.
Wood is known for being a reliable material. Its characteristics are capable of delivering longevity and dependability. It is made possible by being strong, durable, and hygroscopic or having the ability to absorb water just like a sponge. One of the great benefits of using wood as a construction material is its ability to absorb water.
It is this feature that makes it capable of protecting man from harsh weather conditions. It also offers strength that is different from other materials like plastics and metals. It is due to the wood’s structure of having several layers that makes it hard to stretch or compress by pushing or pulling it in different directions.
The wood’s structure also contributes to it being a great provider of protection for anything, even EMF radiation. Wood is usually structured with several layers, thus not only giving it greater strength but also a material capable of providing an extra layer of protection.
Its layers consist of the bark or the outer skin, the sapwod or the living layer that contains the xylem responsible for water distribution, and the heartwood or the harder part of the sapwood that blocks growth of the tree. It is this several layers of wood that also helps reduce the emission coming from electromagnetic field radiation. With wood used as a protection, EMF radiation is attenuated before it even hits the human body.
Can Wood Protect You Against EMF Radiation?
No, wood does not protect you from EMF radiation. According to tests conducted by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), they found that wood was able to provide poor shielding effect from electromagnetic field radiation.
But, NIST recommended fresh, moist lumber as the best choice to protect against radiation, if wood is the only available resource to lessen the impact of EMF radiation.
However, wood still do offer some benefit. It does lower the chances of you being affected by the negative impact of this radiation. This means that while you are not absolutely safe from EMF radiation affecting your health, it can lower the chances of you acquiring diseases or abnormalities arising from this radiation.
The way wood works to protect you from this radiation is similar to how it reduces the impact of other pollutants, like:
- It reduces the radiation that is emitted to your body like how it permeates sound coming through your walls;
- It blocks electromagnetic field radiation in the same way it protects you from harsh weather conditions like extreme sunlight, rain, and wind; and
- It protects you from other external forces that could harm your body like how a wooden house keeps you protected from wild animals.
The Best Protection
Protection is the best way to combat EMF radiation. There are numerous ways for you to reduced, if not eliminate, the unwanted effects of this kind of radiation. Given that your health is at risk, you must have the right kind of protection at your side.
Materials like aluminum foil, sheet metal, and metal-coated glass windows were found to be effective in protecting against the harmful effects of electromagnetic field radiation.
Dr. Moldan, in his 2015 study, observed about 80 materials and their reaction and capability to reduce, if not eliminate, radiation coming electromagnetic devices.
His study concluded that the aforementioned materials did provide great protection while concrete and wood were less effective in shielding against the unwanted consequences of EMF radiation.
Wood does not possess the right elements to protect you from EMF radiation. However, it does not mean it cannot reduce the impact of this radiation from affecting your body.
Wood did prove itself as an effective material to combat external forces and protect the body from its harsh effects. In the same way it protects you from extreme weather conditions and wild animals, wood can reduce the negative consequences arising from daily exposure to electromagnetic field radiation.
With technologies sprouting left and right and emitting radiation that harms the body, being aware of the best protection against this harmful element enables you to guard your health from being affected by this unwanted impact of progress.
Electric and magnetic fields. http://www.who.int/peh-emf/publications/facts/fs322/en/
Electromagnetic fields and public health. http://www.who.int/peh-emf/publications/facts/fs322/en/
Electromagnetic fields and cancer. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/radiation/electromagnetic-fields-fact-sheet#q5
As a kid I used to get headaches/moodiness from fluorescent lights, both st school and home. Our whole house was indirect florescent lighting, but one place it didn’t bother me was in our living room (and hall) which had birch walls and pure wood broadloom.. Here I could focus and concentrate easily – the piano was there and I was able to practice and was able to become very accomplished at a young age (tv at age 6). Later I had the same problems working in office environs unless there was a lot of natural light, which was rare. I recently realised I was electrosenitive, but in the areas of our house that had wooden walls I was absolutely fine. I’ve noticed that wearing a high quality cashmere/silk scar has a proactive effect in the car and flying (flying I used to get heart palpitations). Just a few observations!
(Sorry that should say pure wool braid loom!)