You designed your home to be safe from natural disasters. Plans were even reviewed to ensure that even man-made accidents cannot turn your investment into ashes.
The same can be said in protecting your whole house from the impact of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation. EMF is so prevalent, it is present in every corner of the planet. This pollution is produced by the widespread use of electronic devices. It in turns exposes the human body to more than the minimum amount of radiation it can handle.
Given that fact, there is a must to know how much EMF you and your loved one are exposed to. Knowledge to get rid of this pollution is also helpful in protecting the health of your family, including protecting your furbabies.
Kinds of EMF at Home
There are different kinds of EMF present at home. It may either be emitted by appliances inside or those things that emit electromagnetic field radiation outside your home. The easiest way to find out how much EMF exposure you’re getting is to use an EMF meter and see.
The microwave oven, your wireless internet router, and your electrical panel are some of the common culprit that produces EMF. While these things emit a lower amount of electromagnetic field radiation, it cannot be denied that they will soon affect your health in the future.
Its impact might not be as instant as when you are constantly exposed to radiation emitted by medical diagnostic devices, but studies found it does contribute to the development of non-serious and serious health issues.
If you are assured that there are less appliances in your home that emits EMF, there is a big chance there are other things that produces the pollution from outside your home.
The chances of electromagnetic field radiation produced by these things entering your space is higher when you don’t have enough protection to ensure your safety.
EMF and other forms of radiation are capable of penetrating through walls, as well as into your skin. The following are some of the most common things that emit EMF that’s outside your home:
- Electric lines;
- Phone lines;
- Nuclear reactors;
- Medical diagnostic devices; and
- Cell towers.
What Appliances Emit EMF?
Your home is also a haven of things that produces electromagnetic field and other forms of radiation. If you prefer a home that’s automated, then you are exposed to an even greater amount of EMF possible. EMF has been found to have a significant impact on health.
The following are some of appliances in a home that emits electromagnetic field radiation:
- Wi-Fi router;
- Microwave oven;
- Television;
- Refrigerator;
- Electric panel; and
- Cordless phones.
Ways to Get Rid of EMF
EMF might be all around you, but there are ways to reduce or eliminate its presence. Concerns over the health impact of this pollution led to the creation of an industry devoted to shielding against electromagnetic field radiation.
Experts have developed different strategies and products aimed at keeping EMF away from your home or from entering your system. EMF shielding experts recommend the following to eliminate or reduce the amount of EMF in your home:
- Bedroom – the bedroom is supposed to be a safe place for you and your loved ones. It is one place in your home where you can take a step back and let your guards down. However, the widespread prevalence of EMF does not exempt it from its victims. Your bedroom also has traces of EMF especially if you live near an electric power post, a cell tower, or the location of your electric panel is near your bedroom. You can get rid of EMF by using a faraday canopy or using a paint capable of shielding you against EMF.
- Kitchen – the kitchen is probably the area in your home that’s full of products that emit EMF. Your refrigerator, your microwave oven, and your coffee maker are some of the things capable of producing this pollution. The best preventive measure for you is to invest in modern appliances. These appliances are made in a way that it prevents them from further contributing to production of electromagnetic field radiation. For example, EMF shielding experts recommend getting the most basic refrigerator instead of those smart refrigerators. It is because the latter produces more EMF compared to basic units. Smart refrigerators are able to provide you recipes, cooking videos, and make online purchases because it connects wirelessly to the Internet.
- Wireless Internet – use a wired connection as much as possible. Your home’s Wi-Fi router is another source of EMF in your home. You are able to connect to the Internet in any part of your home because of the radio waves sent from your router to your mobile device. This radio wave is one form of radio frequency EMF radiation. Constant exposure to it can harm you in the long run. If you can’t live without a wireless Internet for your smart devices, then you can maybe reduce the number of hours it is turned on.
Experts also recommend using devices and accessories that counter electromagnetic field radiation. People who are constantly on their smartphones can attach an accessory that enables it to emit less radiation that it usually does. For those who spend most of their time looking at a computer monitor, there are EMF shielding devices that can absorb radiation produced by this electronic device.
Why is EMF Bad for You?
Science has proven the impact of electromagnetic field radiation on your body, as well as on animals and plants around you. The most powerful kind of radiation is capable of altering anything it comes across. Given that EMF is capable of doing so, it is a must that you take precaution.
Studies linking EMF to various kinds of health conditions were carried out through the years. Cancer, pregnancy, and brain activity are among health conditions researchers are focusing on to discover the role played by EMF and other forms of radiation on the development of health issues. The following are some of the most researched conditions linked to EMF exposure:
- Sleep – A 2012 study found that exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic field radiation caused poor sleeping pattern among respondents who were constantly exposed to such while working in a high-voltage power station. Researchers further revealed that respondents expressed that they spent more time lying in bed without sleeping compared to those who belonged to the control group.
- Blood pressure – Researchers found that men and women who were constantly exposed to low frequency EMF coming from mobile phones exhibited increased blood pressure at resting state. The conclusion was made after participants aged between 26 and 36 years old were subjected to EMF emitted by a cellular phone located fixed at a location near them.
- Fertility – A Chinese study conducted in 2010 found that female mice’s reproductive system was significantly affected by exposure to EMF. Researchers point the changes to the increased in height of the mice’s fallopian tube and a decrease in the number of flushed blastocysts. A different study also looked on the impact of EMF on male fertility. It found that men constantly exposed to radiation presented with low percentage of sperm cells. The study named the prevalent and prolonged use of mobile phones for the low sperm count.
- Pregnancy – A 2002 study looked on how EMF affect pregnant women. It focused on pregnant women who are in less than 10 weeks of gestation and were residing in San Francisco, California. The researchers concluded that prenatal maximum magnetic field exposure significantly contributed to cases of miscarriage among women who were exposed to EMF for a long period of time. Another study also disclosed how women working in the electronics manufacturing industry were reported to give birth prematurely, and in some cases gave birth to babies with low birthweight.
- Cancer – This condition is perhaps the most studied among medical researchers. Their curiosity stems from the fact that there has been a significant increase in cancer cases in recent years. The increase in cases coincides with the growing number of adoptions of wireless technologies and electronic devices. Most of the studies are focused on how EMF impacts cancer cell growth in the brain, the female breast, and blood. While there is yet a study that proved the link between the two, there are some advancements made. One of the most groundbreaking is the direct correlation between children’s use of electric blanket and their increased risk for development of brain cancer.
Protect Your Home
EMF is invisible. It is like a thief in the night trying to rob you of your hard-earned belongings. The best way to protect yourself and your family is to do preventive measures now. Given that there are many ways on how you can absorb electromagnetic field and radio frequency radiation, protection is the best weapon you have.
Having a better understanding of where this pollution comes from, the common things that are capable of producing EMF, and the impact of electromagnetic field radiation on your body is a great start. It would enable you to take the next step in eliminating EMF – investing and using devices that wards off electromagnetic field radiation.